Buena Vista Campus | 9:00AM Sundays
205 South San Juan Ave, Buena Vista, CO 81211
BV Campus Announcements
Men’s Retreat | April 23-26, 2025 | Moab, Utah
Calling all men to Moab, Utah! You do not want to miss this multi-day Men’s Retreat. Think food, worhsip, laughter, bikes, hikes, ATVs!
See your local campus pastor for sign -up.
Alpha Weekend | April 4-15, 2025 | You’re Invited!
Alpha Weekend is one of the most loved gatherings our church family hosts. We are giddy with anticipation for all that the Father will do in our lives as we intentionally set this time to meet with Him. If you have attended the weekly Alpha course, please signup for the weekend retreat below.
Childcare: Please do not let a need for childcare keep you from participating! We would love to serve your kiddos with fun bible activities while you attend.
Location: This all-church event is hosted in our Buena Vista Campus – 205 South San Juan Ave, Buena Vista, CO 81211.
Schedule Overview:
Friday, April 4th, 6:00PM-8:30PM | Dinner served upon arrival. We understand some of you may be coming from work, so we will be delighted to see you as soon as you’re able!
Saturday, April 5th, 9:00AM-7:00PM | Sessions, worship, meals, and breaks throughout the day.
Click Button to Register
1st Sunday of Every Month | Missions Sunday
In all campuses, we will intentionally reserve the first Sunday of each month to honor our Missionaries. We invite you to worship with us through giving to the special missions offering above and beyond our tithes.
5th Sundays | Family Worship Sunday
Here at Cornerstone we set aside the 5th Sunday of the month to focus on ministry as a Family. We collectively attend service and participate in a family oriented worship service with a potlucks following the service. Come ready to celebrate and bring a dish to pass.
BV Campus Groups
Celebrate Recovery | 6:00PM-8:00PM Mondays
We believe that Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to heal us from our hurts, hang ups, and habits. Celebrate Recovery is a group where we make that journey together. This group is led by Erica & Nathaniel Alluisi. Please contact [email protected] to get connected
What is Celebrate Recovery? How do I know if it’s for me?
Men’s Prayer Breakfast | Fridays, 6:30AM | Here at Cornerstone Church
Men, coming together to grow in faith and strengthen God’s Kingdom. Join us for breakfast each Friday. All men welcome. Questions? Contact Campus Administrator at [email protected]
Alpha Course | Buena Vista Campus
Never tried Alpha? You’re invited! The Alpha Group is a safe place to explore questions about faith and the meaning of life while making new friends. We’ll share a potluck dinner and then watch a short video with a new faith-based topic each week. There will be time for conversation throughout the night and a couple discussion questions from the video toward the end. We can’t wait to see you! Contact Janna for details: [email protected]
Prayer | 1:00-2:00PM Tuesdays All are welcome to join this informal prayer time in the sanctuary.
Youth Group | 6:30Pm Mondays
Middle and high school students are welcome to join us for games and snacks while we explore a Bible topic. We shuttle our Buena Vista youth to our Salida campus for a great evening togther. Contact Church office for details 719-395-8178 or Kimber@cornerstonechurchco.com
Campus Staff
All-Church Mailing | PO Box 1752, Buena Vista, CO 81211