Our Core Beliefs
The Bible is inspired by God and infallible (2 Timothy 3:15-16)
God exists forever and is 3 in 1—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 28:19, Mark 12:29)
Jesus was born of a virgin, died (His death is substitutionary and atoning), rose from the dead, and ascended to the right hand of the Father (Isaiah 7:14, Romans 8:34, Acts 1:10)
Salvation is through the blood of Jesus (1 John 5:10, Romans 10:13-15)
Baptism is an outward expression of our faith and testifies of our changed lives (Matthew 28:19)
Jesus heals (Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:16-17, James 5:13-14)
Holy Spirit indwells every believer (Romans 8:15-18, Ephesians 1:13-14)
Holy Spirit sanctifies believers (Hebrews 12:14, 1 Peter 1:15-16)
In the baptism of Holy Spirit, giving gifts to the church in order to carry out the mission of Jesus to the world (Acts 2:4, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 15:8-9, Acts 19:1-9, Romans 12:1-8, 1 Corinthians 12:7-11)
Jesus is coming again (Acts 24:15, Luke 14:14, Revelation 19:7-9)
Bringing heaven to earth, impacting the culture of our communities.
Cornerstone Church exists to extend the Kingdom of God to rural communities by establishing vibrant, worshiping campuses.
Sacred Values
The two things we hold of most value is that our church family would be ever growing in their enjoyment of God and enjoyment of community.
Enjoying God includes: Knowing the extravagant love of the Father, understanding and living in our true identity in Christ, and living life in the power of Holy Spirit.
Enjoying Community includes: Practicing hospitality, participating in extravagant praise and adoring worship, living life together, and reaching out to our neighbors and our world through lifestyle evangelism.